Small Business Education
Starting a small business can be exciting, but it's not without its challenges. At the Academy, we're here to help you navigate the ins and outs of entrepreneurship. Whether you're still in the idea phase or ready to launch, we provide comprehensive education to help you understand the process of creating a successful small business.
Business Creation
Preparing correct and professional documents is highly important when creating a small business. We are here to help you understand the different documentation needed to officially be a business owner.
Grant Writing
Need start-up capitol for your small business? Applying for a grant can be the start of your financial journey growing your business. We educate on how to write and apply for a grant affectively thus giving you the capitol you need.
Business Credit
If you are going to be a successful business then you should understand and implement how to use credit to leverage start-up cost, expenses, and much more. Learn how to create and establish business credit